Installing CustomizedPlate on IOS
- Scan qr-code using your camera or click on this link (Use only Safari web browser)
- Press the “ Share” button
- Select ” Add to Home Screen” from the popup. (Swipe up if you can’t see the button)
- Tap “Add” in the top right corner to finish installing the app. It’s on your home screen now.
Installing CustomizedPlate on Android (Samsung Browser)
- Scan qr-code using your camera or click on this link
- Press the ” Download” button
- Press “Install” from the popup.
- Tap CustomizedPlate icon to switch to app.
Installing CustomizedPlate on Android (Google Chrome)
- Scan qr-code using your camera or click on this link
- Press the ” Download” button
- Press “Install App” from menu.
- Press “Install” from the popup.