
Installing CustomizedPlate on IOS

  1. Scan qr-code using your camera or click on this link (Use only Safari web browser)
  2. Press the “ Share” button
  3. Select ”   Add to Home Screen” from the popup. (Swipe up if you can’t see the button)
  4. Tap “Add” in the top right corner to finish installing the app. It’s on your home screen now.

Installing CustomizedPlate on Android (Samsung Browser)

  1. Scan qr-code using your camera or click on this link
  2. Press the ” Download” button
  3. Press “Install” from the popup.
  4. Tap CustomizedPlate icon to switch to app.

Installing CustomizedPlate on Android (Google Chrome)

  1. Scan qr-code using your camera or click on this link
  2. Press the ” Download” button
  3. Press “Install App” from menu.
  4. Press “Install” from the popup.